Pregnancy Discrimination

Protect Your Rights & Secure Compensation for Your Growing Family

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Pregnancy Discrimination at Work Demands Accountability

California companies are required to provide pregnancy leave to their employees and make reasonable accommodations for pregnant women in the workplace. It is illegal for employers to discriminate against pregnant employees or to retaliate against employees for taking pregnancy-related leaves of absence from their employment. Proving pregnancy discrimination in a legal setting is a different animal, however. You’ll need an experienced attorney who is willing to take your case, take on your employer, and take you through every step of the process with informed and candid guidance to secure the compensation you deserve. At Baker Law Group, LLP, we believe that employees whose rights have been violated deserve justice, and we are dedicated to pursuing the best possible outcome based on your circumstances. Reclaim your rights and hold discriminatory employers accountable with Baker Law Group, LLP, by your side.

Types of Pregnancy Discrimination

Examples of pregnancy discrimination that may violate California law

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Pregnancy Discrimination FAQ

Read All Frequently Asked Questions

What laws do employers have to violate for a pregnancy discrimination claim?
The California Fair Employment and Housing Act makes it illegal for companies to demote, fire, or in any other way discriminate against a worker because of her pregnancy,or for her decision to request pregnancy leave. California’s Pregnancy Disability Leave Law also requires companies to provide employees with four months of leave for employees who need medical leave as a result of their pregnancy. The employer’s duty to provide four months of pregnancy-related medical leave is provided for explicitly in the law. Even if a company has a different policy in regards to medical disability leaves, it will still be required to provide pregnant employees with such medical leave. This law provides pregnant employees with benefits beyond the general disability leave rules that exist in California. Another law that is potentially applicable in pregnancy-related discrimination cases is the California Family Rights Act. After the employee has given birth, she may be entitled to an additional twelve weeks of leave under the California Family Rights Act. However, in order for the California Family Rights Act to apply, the employer must employ at least fifty workers within a seventy-five-mile radius of the pregnant employee’s place of work, and the pregnant employee must have worked for the company for at least one year, and have logged at least 1,250 hours of work in the last year.

Cases Taken On Contingency

We do not charge for an initial consultation, and Baker Law Group, LLP, takes most wrongful termination cases on contingency, meaning you don’t pay until you win. When you contact Baker Law Group, LLP, we can tell you if a contingency fee structure is right for your case.